Saturday, October 27, 2007

Halloween Candy

Hello to anyone who may be checking in. I have not forgotten you. It has been a busy weekend getting ready for Halloween. I am working on a submission on exercise that I think you will all find informative and interesting.

In the meantime, I would like to answer the question about Halloween candy and your quest to get healthy. Enjoy yourself!! It comes around only once a year so enjoy a little treat. I must stress little treat, of course. It's unlikely You will be able to enjoy it if you eat the whole bag. Guilt will take over and you will be kicking yourself for the next several weeks to come. That's not enjoyable.

If you are someone who fears you may eat the designated candy before the big day, then put off buying it until the last minute. Why tempt temptation? Just remember to get the candy out of the house as quickly as you can after the day, and do not forget to keep up your exercises. Feel free to slack off a little bit, but do not stop.

Until next time, keep moving.

Laura Wise


Alanna Kellogg said...

Hi Laura,

Welcome to food blogging! (Or diet blogging? It's hard to say, yet, since you're so new -- and hard to say because of course some times our blogs decide where they want to go and it's up to us to just follow!) Anyway both are good venues for exploring food and food issues.


Unknown said...

Thank you Alanna. I must say that I am not entirely sure were this is going, but I am excited to watch it go there.

Keep checking back please. I am taking time off until after Halloween. Until such time I will keep checking in to see how things are moving along.
