Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Broken Ankle

I'm not ignoring my blog, I have a broken ankle. I went skating with my son. I thought that I would get some good cardio in, and I ended up breaking my ankle in several places. Now, I am in a cast and operating from crutches and a wheel chair, and it is driving me crazy. I want to get up and walk, and exercise, and clean house...I want to do the things that I do. Of course, I cannot, I must allow myself time to heal. So, I will be checking back as I can and I will be posting as I can.


HealthyBoy said...

I'm trying to lose weight!

Please! Become a follower of my blog. I update every day. Leave comments!

I'm desperate! It will really help me if I know at least one person out there is rooting for me and cares if I succeed or not.

HealthyBoy said...

My blog is...

Sorry, idiot that I am forgot to leave the link :D